Flight From Covenant
Monday September 15, Shepherd’s Gate, Covenant
The Watcher has entered Covenant from the north, and his tireless undead are raping the old city a second time; tearing down what few structures stand in their way, and choking the sky with dust and smoke. That he wants the book which now rests at the bottom of my pack is clear.
Against my better judgment, I opened the Codex last night to a random page and read about the life of a man not yet born, who would resurrect the Myrkridia and visit horrors on the world without equal in history or myth. I believed every word. I have resolved to destroy the thing before allowing it to become an instrument of the Dark.
Mauriac is on his feet now, talking to the men. We met him and a few other survivors of the first expedition hiding in a collapsed cellar a few hundred feet away from the outer wall, and joined them for a brief rest until dawn.
Mauriac was prince regent here during King Alric’s adolescence, and knows of an underground tunnel just outside the city which leads to Shoal, a village four miles away down the coast. The King’s family used it to escape Covenant when Soulblighter leveled the city twelve years ago, and today we hope it will help us elude The Watcher.
The Watcher: One of the Fallen. ↩
Covenant: Once a major city of The Province, Covenant was sacked and destroyed fifteen years ago by the Dark. ↩
Total Codex: A magical book of immense power, in which is written the fate of every creature that will ever be born. ↩
Myrkridia: A terrible race of flesh-eaters with a limitless capacity for evil. During the Wind Age, the Myrkridia were trapped in the Tain by Connacht and thought destroyed. ↩
Alric: One of The Nine, former King of the Southern Provinces. ↩
Soulblighter: One of the Fallen Lords. ↩